Source code for ravenpy.config.commands

import datetime as dt
import itertools
import re
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent, indent
from typing import (

import cftime  # noqa: F401
import xarray as xr
from pydantic import (
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from ..config import options
from .base import (
from .utils import filter_for, get_annotations, nc_specs

Raven commands

The syntax of those commands match as closely as possible the Raven documentation.

# TODO: Strip command outputs of white space to facilitate testing.
# TODO: Add docstrings
# TODO: Create tests in tests/config/

INDENT = " " * 4
T12 = Tuple[

[docs] class Process(Command): """Process type embedded in HydrologicProcesses command. See for list of processes. """ algo: str = "RAVEN_DEFAULT" source: Optional[str] = None to: Sequence[str] = () _sub = ""
[docs] @field_validator("to", mode="before") @classmethod def is_list(cls, v): if isinstance(v, str): return [ v, ] return v
[docs] @field_validator("source") @classmethod def is_source_state_variable(cls, v: str): if v is not None: if re.split(r"\[", v)[0] not in get_args(options.StateVariables): raise ValueError(f"{v} not recognized as a state variable.") return v
[docs] @field_validator("to") @classmethod def is_to_state_variable(cls, v: Sequence): for x in v: if re.split(r"\[", x)[0] not in get_args(options.StateVariables): raise ValueError(f"{x} not recognized as a state variable.") return v
[docs] def to_rv(self): t = " ".join(map("{:<19}".format, p = getattr(self, "p", None) p = p if p is not None else "" cmd = self._sub + self.__class__.__name__ return f":{cmd:<20} {self.algo:<19} {self.source:<19} {t} {p}".strip()
[docs] class SoilModel(RootCommand): root: int
[docs] def to_rv(self): cmd = "SoilModel" return f":{cmd:<20} SOIL_MULTILAYER {self.root}\n"
[docs] class LinearTransform(Command): scale: float = 1 offset: float = 0
[docs] def to_rv(self): cmd = "LinearTransform" if (self.scale != 1) or (self.offset != 0): return f":{cmd:<20} {self.scale:.15f} {self.offset:.15f}\n" return ""
[docs] class RainSnowTransition(Command): """Specify the range of temperatures over which there will be a rain/snow mix when partitioning total precipitation into rain and snow components.""" temp: Sym """Midpoint of the temperature range [C].""" delta: Sym """Range [C]."""
[docs] def to_rv(self): cmd = "RainSnowTransition" return f":{cmd:<20} {self.temp} {}\n"
[docs] class EvaluationPeriod(LineCommand): """:EvaluationPeriod [period_name] [start yyyy-mm-dd] [end yyyy-mm-dd]""" name: str start: end:
[docs] class CustomOutput(LineCommand): """ Create custom output file to track a single variable, parameter or forcing function over time at a number of basins, HRUs, or across the watershed. Parameters ---------- time_per : {'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY', 'WATER_YEARLY', 'CONTINUOUS'} Time period. stat : {'AVERAGE', 'MAXIMUM', 'MINIMUM', 'RANGE', 'MEDIAN', 'QUARTILES', 'HISTOGRAM [min] [max] [# bins]' Statistic reported for each time interval. variable : str Variable or parameter name. Consult the Raven documentation for the list of allowed names. space_agg : {'BY_BASIN', 'BY_HRU', 'BY_HRU_GROUP', 'BY_SB_GROUP', 'ENTIRE_WATERSHED'} Spatial evaluation domain. filename : str Output file name. Defaults to something approximately like `<run name>_<variable>_<time_per>_<stat>_<space_agg>.nc` """ time_per: Literal["DAILY", "MONTHLY", "YEARLY", "WATER_YEARLY", "CONTINUOUS"] stat: Literal["AVERAGE", "MAXIMUM", "MINIMUM", "RANGE", "MEDIAN", "QUARTILES"] variable: str space_agg: Literal[ "BY_BASIN", "BY_HRU", "BY_HRU_GROUP", "BY_SB_GROUP", "ENTIRE_WATERSHED" ] filename: str = ""
[docs] class SoilProfile(Record): name: str = "" soil_classes: Sequence[str] = () thicknesses: Sequence[Sym] = () def __str__(self): # From the Raven manual: {profile_name,#horizons,{soil_class_name,thick.}x{#horizons}}x[NP] n_horizons = len(self.soil_classes) horizon_data = list(itertools.chain(*zip(self.soil_classes, self.thicknesses))) fmt = "{:<16},{:>4}," + ",".join(n_horizons * ["{:>12}, {:>8}"]) return fmt.format(, n_horizons, *horizon_data)
[docs] class SoilProfiles(ListCommand): root: Sequence[SoilProfile]
[docs] class SubBasin(Record): """Record to populate RVH :SubBasins command internal table.""" subbasin_id: PositiveInt = 1 name: str = "sub_001" downstream_id: int = -1 profile: str = "NONE" reach_length: float = 0 gauged: bool = True gauge_id: Optional[str] = "" # This attribute is not rendered to RVH def __str__(self): d = self.model_dump() d["reach_length"] = d["reach_length"] # if d["reach_length"] else "ZERO-" d["gauged"] = int(d["gauged"]) del d["gauge_id"] return " ".join(f"{v: <{VALUE_PADDING}}" for v in d.values()) model_config = ConfigDict(coerce_numbers_to_str=True)
[docs] class SubBasins(ListCommand): """SubBasins command (RVH).""" root: Sequence[SubBasin] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr( ["ID", "NAME", "DOWNSTREAM_ID", "PROFILE", "REACH_LENGTH", "GAUGED"] ) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["none", "none", "none", "none", "km", "none"])
[docs] class HRU(Record): """Record to populate :HRUs command internal table (RVH).""" hru_id: PositiveInt = 1 area: Sym = 0 # km^2 elevation: float = 0 # meters latitude: float = 0 longitude: float = 0 subbasin_id: PositiveInt = 1 land_use_class: str = "[NONE]" veg_class: str = "[NONE]" soil_profile: str = "[NONE]" aquifer_profile: str = "[NONE]" terrain_class: str = "[NONE]" slope: NonNegativeFloat = 0.0 aspect: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0, le=360)] = 0.0 # This field is not part of the Raven config, it is needed for serialization, # to specify which HRU subclass to use when necessary hru_type: Optional[str] = None def __str__(self): import numpy as np d = self.model_dump() del d["hru_type"] # Adjust horizontal spacing to match attributes names attrs = ["HRU_ID"] + HRUs._Attributes.default ns = np.array(list(map(len, attrs))) ns[1:] += 1 # In Py3.10 zip(strict=True) can be used instead. if len(d) != len(attrs): raise ValueError( f"HRU record has {len(d)} attributes, but {len(attrs)} are expected." ) return " ".join(f"{v:<{n}}" for v, n in zip(d.values(), ns))
[docs] class HRUs(ListCommand): """HRUs command (RVH).""" root: Sequence[HRU] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr( [ "AREA", "ELEVATION", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE", "BASIN_ID", "LAND_USE_CLASS", "VEG_CLASS", "SOIL_PROFILE", "AQUIFER_PROFILE", "TERRAIN_CLASS", "SLOPE", "ASPECT", ] ) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr( [ "km2", "m", "deg", "deg", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "deg", "degN", ] )
[docs] @field_validator("root", mode="before") @classmethod def ignore_unrecognized_hrus(cls, values): """Ignore HRUs with unrecognized hru_type. HRUs are ignored only if all allowed HRU classes define `hru_type`, and if the values passed include it. """ import collections import warnings a = cls.model_fields["root"].annotation # Annotation should be a sequence if get_origin(a) != return values # Extract allowed HRU types allowed = [hru.model_fields["hru_type"].default for hru in get_annotations(a)] # If some HRU classes do not define rhu_type, skip filtering if None in allowed: return values allowed.append(None) out = [value for value in values if getattr(value, "hru_type", None) in allowed] if len(out) != len(values): warnings.warn( "HRUs with an unrecognized `hru_type` attribute were ignored." ) return out
[docs] class HRUGroup(FlatCommand): class _Rec(RootRecord): root: Sequence[str] def __str__(self): return ",".join(self.root) name: str groups: _Rec @property def _template(self): return """ :{_cmd} {name} {_records} :End{_cmd} """
[docs] class Reservoir(FlatCommand): """Reservoir command (RVH).""" name: str = "Lake_XXX" subbasin_id: int = Field(0, alias="SubBasinID") hru_id: int = Field(0, alias="HRUID") type: str = Field("RESROUTE_STANDARD", alias="Type") weir_coefficient: float = Field(0, alias="WeirCoefficient") crest_width: float = Field(0, alias="CrestWidth") max_depth: float = Field(0, alias="MaxDepth") lake_area: float = Field(0, alias="LakeArea", description="Lake area in m2") @property def _template(self): return """ :Reservoir {name} {_commands} :EndReservoir """
[docs] class SubBasinGroup(FlatCommand): """SubBasinGroup command (RVH).""" name: str = "" sb_ids: Sequence[int] = ()
[docs] def to_rv(self): template = """ :SubBasinGroup {name} {sb_ids} :EndSubBasinGroup """ d = self.model_dump() n_per_line = 10 sbids = sorted(self.sb_ids) sbids_lines = [ map(str, sbids[i : i + n_per_line]) for i in range(0, len(sbids), n_per_line) ] d["sb_ids"] = "\n ".join([", ".join(sbids) for sbids in sbids_lines]) return dedent(template).format(**d)
[docs] class SBGroupPropertyMultiplier(LineCommand): group_name: str parameter_name: str mult: float
# TODO: Convert to new config
[docs] class ChannelProfile(FlatCommand): """ChannelProfile command (RVP).""" name: str = "chn_XXX" bed_slope: float = 0 survey_points: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...] = () roughness_zones: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...] = ()
[docs] def to_rv(self): template = """ :ChannelProfile {name} :Bedslope {bed_slope} :SurveyPoints {survey_points} :EndSurveyPoints :RoughnessZones {roughness_zones} :EndRoughnessZones :EndChannelProfile """ d = self.model_dump() d["survey_points"] = "\n".join( f"{INDENT * 2}{p[0]} {p[1]}" for p in d["survey_points"] ) d["roughness_zones"] = "\n".join( f"{INDENT * 2}{z[0]} {z[1]}" for z in d["roughness_zones"] ) return dedent(template).format(**d)
[docs] class GridWeights(Command): """GridWeights command. Notes ----- command can be embedded in both a `GriddedForcing` or a `StationForcing`. The default is to have a single cell that covers an entire single HRU, with a weight of 1. """ number_hrus: int = Field(1, alias="NumberHRUs") number_grid_cells: int = Field(1, alias="NumberGridCells")
[docs] class GWRecord(RootRecord): root: Tuple[int, int, float] = (1, 0, 1.0) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.root) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.root[item] def __str__(self): return " ".join(map(str, self.root)) model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, populate_by_name=True)
data: Sequence[GWRecord] = Field((GWRecord(),))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, s): pat = r""" :GridWeights \s*:NumberHRUs\s+(\d+) \s*:NumberGridCells\s+(\d+) \s*(.+) :EndGridWeights """ m = re.match(dedent(pat).strip(), s.strip(), re.DOTALL) n_hrus, n_grid_cells, data = m.groups() # type: ignore data = [d.strip().split() for d in data.split("\n")] data = tuple((int(h), int(c), float(w)) for h, c, w in data) return cls( number_hrus=int(n_hrus), number_grid_cells=int(n_grid_cells), data=data )
[docs] class RedirectToFile(RootCommand): """RedirectToFile command (RVT). Notes ----- For the moment, this command can only be used in the context of a `GriddedForcingCommand` or a `StationForcingCommand`, as a `grid_weights` field replacement when inlining is not desired. """ root: FilePath
[docs] def to_rv(self): cmd = "RedirectToFile" return f":{cmd:<20} {self.root}\n"
[docs] class ReadFromNetCDF(FlatCommand): # TODO: When encoding Path, return only # Order of HttpUrl, Path is important to avoid casting strings to Path. file_name_nc: Union[HttpUrl, Path] = Field( ..., alias="FileNameNC", description="NetCDF file name." ) var_name_nc: str = Field( ..., alias="VarNameNC", description="NetCDF variable name." ) dim_names_nc: Sequence[str] = Field(..., alias="DimNamesNC") station_idx: int = Field( 1, alias="StationIdx", description="NetCDF index along station dimension. Starts at 1.", ) time_shift: Optional[float] = Field( None, alias="TimeShift", description="Time stamp shift in days." ) linear_transform: Optional[LinearTransform] = Field(None, alias="LinearTransform") deaccumulate: Optional[bool] = Field(None, alias="Deaccumulate") latitude_var_name_nc: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="LatitudeVarNameNC") longitude_var_name_nc: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="LongitudeVarNameNC") elevation_var_name_nc: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="ElevationVarNameNC")
[docs] @field_validator("dim_names_nc") @classmethod def reorder_time(cls, v): """TODO: Return dimensions as x, y, t. Currently only puts time at the end.""" dims = list(v) for time_dim in ("t", "time"): if time_dim in dims: dims.remove(time_dim) dims.append(time_dim) break else: raise ValidationError("No time dimension found in dim_names_nc tuple.") return tuple(dims)
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc( cls, fn, data_type, station_idx=1, alt_names=(), engine="h5netcdf", **kwds ): """Instantiate class from netCDF dataset.""" specs = nc_specs( fn, data_type, station_idx=station_idx, alt_names=alt_names, engine=engine, ) specs.update(kwds) attrs = filter_for(cls, specs) return cls(**attrs)
@property def da(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Return DataArray from configuration.""" # TODO: Apply linear transform and time shift da = xr.open_dataset(self.file_name_nc)[self.var_name_nc] if len(self.dim_names_nc) == 1: return da elif len(self.dim_names_nc) == 2: return da.isel({self.dim_names_nc[0]: self.station_idx}) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class GriddedForcing(ReadFromNetCDF): """GriddedForcing command (RVT).""" name: str = "" forcing_type: Optional[options.Forcings] = Field(None, alias="ForcingType") grid_weights: Union[GridWeights, RedirectToFile] = Field( GridWeights(), alias="GridWeights" ) # StationIdx is not relevant to GriddedForcing station_idx: Optional[int] = None @property def _template(self): return """ :{_cmd} {name} {_commands} :End{_cmd} """
[docs] @field_validator("dim_names_nc") @classmethod def check_dims(cls, v): if len(v) != 3: raise ValueError( "GriddedForcing netCDF datasets should have three dimensions (lon, lat, time)." ) return v
[docs] class StationForcing(GriddedForcing): """StationForcing command (RVT)."""
[docs] @field_validator("dim_names_nc") @classmethod def check_dims(cls, v): if len(v) != 2: raise ValueError( "StationForcing netCDF datasets should have two dimensions (station, time)." ) return v
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc(cls, fn, data_type, alt_names=(), **kwds): """Instantiate class from netCDF dataset.""" specs = nc_specs(fn, data_type, station_idx=None, alt_names=alt_names) specs.update(kwds) attrs = filter_for(cls, specs) # Build default gridweights if "grid_weights" not in kwds and "GridWeights" not in kwds: size = specs["_dim_size_nc"] size.pop(specs["_time_dim_name_nc"]) nstations = list(size.values())[0] data = [[i + 1, i + 1, 1] for i in range(nstations)] gw = GridWeights( number_hrus=nstations, number_grid_cells=nstations, data=data ) attrs["grid_weights"] = gw return cls(**attrs)
[docs] class Data(FlatCommand): data_type: options.Forcings = "" units: str = "" read_from_netcdf: ReadFromNetCDF = Field(..., alias="ReadFromNetCDF") @property def _template(self): return """ :{_cmd} {data_type} {units} {_commands} :End{_cmd} """ _nested: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc(cls, fn, data_type, station_idx=1, alt_names=(), **kwds): specs = nc_specs(fn, data_type, station_idx, alt_names) specs.update(kwds) attrs = filter_for(cls, specs) return cls(**attrs)
[docs] class Gauge(FlatCommand): name: str = "default" latitude: float = Field(..., alias="Latitude") longitude: float = Field(..., alias="Longitude") elevation: Optional[float] = Field(None, alias="Elevation") rain_correction: Optional[Sym] = Field( None, alias="RainCorrection", description="Rain correction" ) snow_correction: Optional[Sym] = Field( None, alias="SnowCorrection", description="Snow correction" ) monthly_ave_evaporation: Optional[Sequence] = Field( None, alias="MonthlyAveEvaporation" ) monthly_ave_temperature: Optional[Sequence] = Field( None, alias="MonthlyAveTemperature" ) monthly_min_temperature: Optional[Sequence] = Field( None, alias="MonthlyMinTemperature" ) monthly_max_temperature: Optional[Sequence] = Field( None, alias="MonthlyMaxTemperature" ) data: Optional[Sequence[Data]] = Field(None, alias="Data") _nested: bool = False @property def _template(self): return """ :Gauge {name} {_commands} :EndGauge """
[docs] @field_validator("monthly_ave_evaporation", "monthly_ave_temperature") @classmethod def confirm_monthly(cls, v): if v is not None and len(v) != 12: raise ValidationError("One value per month needed.") return v
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc( cls, fn: Union[str, Path, Sequence[Path]], data_type: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, station_idx: int = 1, alt_names: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, mon_ave: bool = False, data_kwds: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, engine: str = "h5netcdf", **kwds, ) -> "Gauge": """Return Gauge instance with configuration options inferred from the netCDF itself. Parameters ---------- fn : str or Path or Sequence[Path] NetCDF file path or paths. data_type : Sequence[str], optional Raven data types to extract from netCDF files, e.g. 'PRECIP', 'AVE_TEMP'. The algorithm tries to find all forcings in each file until one is found, then it stops searching for it in the following files. station_idx : int Index along station dimension. Starts at 1. Should be the same for all netCDF files. alt_names : dict Alternative variable names keyed by data type. Use this if variables do not correspond to CF standard defaults. mon_ave : bool If True, compute the monthly average. data_kwds : dict[options.Forcings, dict[str, str]] Additional `:Data` parameters keyed by forcing type and station id. Overrides inferred parameters. Use keyword "ALL" to pass parameters to all variables. engine : {"h5netcdf", "netcdf4", "pydap"} The engine used to open the dataset. Default is 'h5netcdf'. **kwds Additional arguments for Gauge. Returns ------- Gauge Gauge instance. """ if alt_names is None: alt_names = {} if data_kwds is None: data_kwds = {} if isinstance(fn, (str, Path)): fn = [fn] idx = station_idx data = {} attrs = {} forcings = set(data_type or get_args(options.Forcings)) for f in fn: for dtype in forcings: try: specs = nc_specs( f, dtype, idx, alt_names.get(dtype, ()), mon_ave=mon_ave, engine=engine, ) except ValueError: pass else: # Add extra keywords ex_f = {**data_kwds.get(dtype, {}), **data_kwds.get("ALL", {})} # Filter data attributes data[dtype] = filter_for(Data, specs, **ex_f) attrs.update(filter_for(cls, specs)) # Remove forcings that have been found, so that they're not searched in the following files. forcings.difference_update(data) if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError( "No data found in netCDF files. Check that variable names follow CF conventions, " "or if not, provide `alt_names` mapping Raven data types to variable names." ) # Default Gauge name attrs["name"] = attrs.get("name", f"Gauge_{idx}") attrs = filter_for(cls, attrs, **kwds, data=list(data.values())) return cls(**attrs)
@property def ds(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return xarray Dataset with forcing variables keyed by Raven forcing names.""" ds = {} for data in ds[data.data_type] = data.read_from_netcdf.da return xr.Dataset(ds)
[docs] class ObservationData(Data, coerce_numbers_to_str=True): uid: str = "1" # Basin ID or HRU ID data_type: Literal["HYDROGRAPH"] = "HYDROGRAPH" @property def _template(self): return """ :ObservationData {data_type} {uid} {units} {_commands} :EndObservationData """
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc(cls, fn, station_idx: int = 1, alt_names=(), engine="h5netcdf", **kwds): specs = nc_specs( fn, "HYDROGRAPH", station_idx=station_idx, alt_names=alt_names, engine=engine, ) attrs = filter_for(cls, specs, **kwds, data_type="HYDROGRAPH") return cls(**attrs)
[docs] class HRUState(Record): hru_id: int = 1 data: Dict[str, Sym] = Field(default_factory=dict) def __str__(self): return ",".join(map(str, (self.hru_id,) + tuple(
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, sol, names=None): idx, *values = re.split(r",|\s+", sol.strip()) if names is None: names = [f"S{i}" for i in range(len(values))] return cls(hru_id=idx, data=dict(zip(names, values)))
[docs] class HRUStateVariableTable(ListCommand): """Table of HRU state variables. If the HRUState include different attributes, the states will be modified to include all attributes. """ root: Sequence[HRUState] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(None)
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def set_attributes(self): from itertools import chain # Get all attribute names from HRUStates names = ( sorted(list(set(chain(*[tuple( for s in self.root])))) or None ) self.root = [ HRUState(hru_id=s.hru_id, data={n:, 0.0) for n in names}) for s in self.root ] # Store names in private class attribute self._Attributes = names return self
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, sol: str): from collections import defaultdict pat = re.compile( r"^:HRUStateVariableTable$\s*:Attributes,(?P<atts>.+)$\s*:Units,.*$\s*(?:(" r"?P<vars>.+)$)+\s*:EndHRUStateVariableTable", re.MULTILINE, ) matches = pat.findall(sol) d = defaultdict(dict) for m in matches: atts = [a.strip() for a in m[0].strip(",").split(",")] vals = [re.split(r",|\s+", line.strip(",")) for line in m[1:]] for val in vals: idx, *values = val d[idx].update(dict(zip(atts, values))) out = [] for idx, data in d.items(): out.append(HRUState(hru_id=idx, data=data)) return cls(out)
[docs] class BasinIndex(Command, coerce_numbers_to_str=True): """Initial conditions for a flow segment.""" # TODO: Check that qout and cie can be written with separating commas. sb_id: int = 1 name: str = "watershed" channel_storage: float = Field(0.0, alias="ChannelStorage") rivulet_storage: float = Field(0.0, alias="RivuletStorage") qout: Sequence[float] = Field((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), alias="Qout") qlat: Optional[Sequence[float]] = Field(None, alias="Qlat") qin: Optional[Sequence[float]] = Field(None, alias="Qin") # model_config = ConfigDict(coerce_numbers_to_str=True) @property def _template(self): return """ :BasinIndex {sb_id} {name} {_commands} """
[docs] @classmethod @no_type_check def parse(cls, s): pat = r""" :BasinIndex (.+?) (.+) """ m =, s, re.DOTALL) index_name = re.split(r",|\s+", rec_values = {"sb_id": index_name[0], "name": index_name[1]} for line in all_values = filter(None, re.split(r",|\s+", line.strip())) cmd, *values = all_values if cmd in [":ChannelStorage", ":RivuletStorage"]: # FIXME: assertions should not be found outside of testing code. Replace with conditional logic. assert len(values) == 1 rec_values[cmd[1:]] = float(values[0]) else: rec_values[cmd[1:]] = tuple(values) return cls(**rec_values)
[docs] class BasinStateVariables(ListCommand): root: Sequence[BasinIndex]
[docs] @classmethod @no_type_check def parse(cls, sol): pat = r""" :BasinStateVariables (.+) :EndBasinStateVariables """ m =, sol, re.DOTALL) bis = filter(None,":BasinIndex")) bs = [BasinIndex.parse(f":BasinIndex {bi}") for bi in bis] return cls(bs)
[docs] class SoilClasses(ListCommand):
[docs] class SoilClass(Record): name: str mineral: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None organic: Optional[float] = None
[docs] @field_validator("mineral") @classmethod def validate_mineral(cls, v): """Assert sum of mineral fraction is 1.""" if v is not None: # FIXME: assertions should not be found outside of testing code. Replace with conditional logic. assert sum(v) == 1, "Mineral fraction should sum to 1." return v
[docs] @field_validator("mineral") @classmethod def validate_mineral_pct(cls, v: Tuple): if v is not None: for x in v: assert (x >= 0) and (x <= 1), "Value should be in [0,1]." return v
[docs] @field_validator("organic") @classmethod def validate_organic_pct(cls, v: float): if v is not None: assert (v >= 0) and (v <= 1), "Value should be in [0,1]." return v
def __str__(self): if self.mineral is None and is None: return else: fmt = "{name:<16},{mineral[0]:>18},{mineral[1]:>18},{mineral[2]:>18},{organic:>18}" return fmt.format(**self.model_dump())
root: Sequence[SoilClass] = () _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["%SAND", "%CLAY", "%SILT", "%ORGANIC"]) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["none", "none", "none", "none"])
[docs] class VegetationClass(Record): name: str = "" max_ht: Sym = 0.0 max_lai: Sym = 0.0 max_leaf_cond: Sym = 0.0 def __str__(self): template = "{name:<16},{max_ht:>18},{max_lai:>18},{max_leaf_cond:>18}" return template.format(**self.model_dump())
[docs] class VegetationClasses(ListCommand): root: Sequence[VegetationClass] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["MAX_HT", "MAX_LAI", "MAX_LEAF_COND"]) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["m", "none", "mm_per_s"])
[docs] class LandUseClass(Record): name: str = "" impermeable_frac: Sym = 0.0 forest_coverage: Sym = 0.0 def __str__(self): template = "{name:<16},{impermeable_frac:>18},{forest_coverage:>18}" return template.format(**self.model_dump())
[docs] class LandUseClasses(ListCommand): root: Sequence[LandUseClass] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["IMPERMEABLE_FRAC", "FOREST_COVERAGE"]) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["fract", "fract"])
[docs] class TerrainClass(Record): name: str hillslope_length: Sym drainage_density: Sym topmodel_lambda: Optional[Sym] = None def __str__(self): out = f"{<16},{self.hillslope_length:>18},{self.drainage_density:>18}" if self.topmodel_lambda is not None: out += f",{self.topmodel_lambda:>18}" return out
[docs] class TerrainClasses(ListCommand): root: Sequence[TerrainClass] _Attributes: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr( ["HILLSLOPE_LENGTH", "DRAINAGE_DENSITY", "TOPMODEL_LAMBDA"] ) _Units: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr(["m", "km/km2"])
class _MonthlyRecord: name: str = "[DEFAULT]" values: Sequence[float] = 12 * [ 1.0, ] def __str__(self): return f"{<16} " + ", ".join(map(str, self.values))
[docs] class SeasonalRelativeLAI(ListCommand): root: Sequence[_MonthlyRecord] = (_MonthlyRecord(),)
[docs] class SeasonalRelativeHeight(ListCommand): root: Sequence[_MonthlyRecord] = (_MonthlyRecord(),)
[docs] class SubBasinProperty(Record): sb_id: str values: Sequence[Sym] def __str__(self): return indent( ", ".join( [ self.sb_id, ] + list(map(str, self.values)) ), " ", ) model_config = ConfigDict(coerce_numbers_to_str=True)
[docs] class SubBasinProperties(Command): parameters: Optional[Sequence[options.SubBasinProperties]] = Field( None, alias="Parameters" ) records: Optional[Sequence[SubBasinProperty]] = Field(None)
[docs] class SoilParameterList(GenericParameterList): parameters: Optional[Sequence[options.SoilParameters]] = Field( None, alias="Parameters" )
[docs] class VegetationParameterList(GenericParameterList): parameters: Optional[Sequence[options.VegetationParameters]] = Field( None, alias="Parameters" )
[docs] class LandUseParameterList(GenericParameterList): parameters: Optional[Sequence[options.LandUseParameters]] = Field( None, alias="Parameters" )
[docs] class EnsembleMode(LineCommand): mode: Literal["ENSEMBLE_ENKF"] = "ENSEMBLE_ENKF" n: int = Field(..., description="Number of members")
[docs] class ObservationErrorModel(LineCommand): state: Literal["STREAMFLOW"] dist: Literal["DIST_UNIFORM", "DIST_NORMAL", "DIST_GAMMA"] p1: float p2: float adj: Literal["ADDITIVE", "MULTIPLICATIVE"]
[docs] class ForcingPerturbation(LineCommand): forcing: options.Forcings dist: Literal["DIST_UNIFORM", "DIST_NORMAL", "DIST_GAMMA"] p1: float p2: float adj: Literal["ADDITIVE", "MULTIPLICATIVE"] hru_grp: str = ""
[docs] class AssimilatedState(LineCommand): state: Union[options.StateVariables, Literal["STREAMFLOW"]] group: str
[docs] class AssimilateStreamflow(LineCommand, coerce_numbers_to_str=True): """Subbasin ID to assimilate streamflow for.""" sb_id: str
# TODO: Harmonize this... # Aliases for convenience SC = SoilClasses.SoilClass LU = LandUseClass VC = VegetationClass TC = TerrainClass SB = SubBasin SP = SoilProfile PL = ParameterList # ---