Source code for ravenpy.extractors.routing_product

import os
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

import pandas

from ravenpy.utilities import gis_import_error_message

    import geopandas
    from osgeo import __version__ as osgeo_version
    from osgeo import ogr, osr
    from shapely import wkt

except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e:
    msg = gis_import_error_message.format(Path(__file__).stem)
    raise ImportError(msg) from e

import netCDF4 as nc4
import numpy as np

[docs] def open_shapefile(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]): """Return GeoDataFrame from shapefile path.""" if isinstance(path, (Path, str)): if Path(path).suffix == ".zip": path = f"zip://{path}" df = geopandas.read_file(path) elif isinstance(path, geopandas.GeoDataFrame): df = path else: raise NotImplementedError(path) return df
[docs] class BasinMakerExtractor: """ This is a class to encapsulate the logic of converting the Routing Product into the required data structures to generate the RVH file format. Parameters ---------- df : GeoDataFrame Sub-basin information. hru_aspect_convention : {"GRASS", "ArcGIS"} How sub-basin aspect is defined. routing_product_version: {"2.1", "1.0"} Version of the BasinMaker data. """ MAX_RIVER_SLOPE = 0.00001 USE_LAKE_AS_GAUGE = False WEIR_COEFFICIENT = 0.6 USE_LAND_AS_GAUGE = False USE_MANNING_COEFF = False MANNING_DEFAULT = 0.035 HRU_ASPECT_CONVENTION = "GRASS" # GRASS | ArcGIS ROUTING_PRODUCT_VERSION = "2.1" # 1.0 | 2.1 def __init__( self, df, hru_aspect_convention=HRU_ASPECT_CONVENTION, routing_product_version=ROUTING_PRODUCT_VERSION, ): self._df = df self.hru_aspect_convention = hru_aspect_convention self.routing_product_version = routing_product_version
[docs] def extract(self, hru_from_sb: bool = False) -> dict: """Extract data from the Routing Product shapefile and return dictionaries that can be parsed into Raven Commands. Parameters ---------- hru_from_sb : bool If True, draw HRU information from subbasin information. This is likely to yield crude results. Returns ------- dict "sub_basins" Sequence of dictionaries with `SubBasin` attributes. "sub_basin_group" Sequence of dictionaries with `SubBasinGroup` attributes. "reservoirs" Sequence of dictionaries with `Reservoir` attributes. "channel_profile" Sequence of dictionaries with `ChannelProfile` attributes. "hrus" Sequence of dictionaries with `HRU` attributes. """ # As one subbasin can be mapped to many rows (HRUs), we use a dict, # keyed by their IDs, which we'll transform into a list in the end subbasin_recs = {} # land_sb_ids = [] lake_sb_ids = [] reservoirs = [] # those are meant to be injected inline in the RVH channel_profiles = [] # those are meant to be injected inline in the RVP hru_recs = [] # each row corresponds to a HRU # Collect all subbasin_ids for fast lookup in next loop subbasin_ids = {int(row["SubId"]) for _, row in self._df.iterrows()} for _, row in self._df.iterrows(): # HRU if hru_from_sb: hru_recs.append(self._extract_hru_from_sb(row)) else: hru_recs.append(self._extract_hru(row)) subbasin_id = int(row["SubId"]) is_lake = row["Lake_Cat"] > 0 if not hru_from_sb: is_lake = is_lake and row["HRU_IsLake"] > 0 if is_lake: lake_sb_ids.append(subbasin_id) reservoirs.append(self._extract_reservoir(row)) else: land_sb_ids.append(subbasin_id) # Subbasin sb = self._extract_subbasin(row, is_lake, subbasin_ids) if sb["subbasin_id"] not in subbasin_recs: subbasin_recs[sb["subbasin_id"]] = sb # ChannelProfile channel_profiles.append(self._extract_channel_profile(row)) return dict( sub_basins=list(subbasin_recs.values()), sub_basin_group=[ {"name": "Land", "sb_ids": land_sb_ids}, {"name": "Lakes", "sb_ids": lake_sb_ids}, ], reservoirs=reservoirs, channel_profile=channel_profiles, hrus=hru_recs, )
def _extract_subbasin(self, row, is_lake, subbasin_ids) -> dict: subbasin_id = int(row["SubId"]) # is_lake = row["HRU_IsLake"] >= 0 riv_length_field = ( "Rivlen" if self.routing_product_version == "1.0" else "RivLength" ) river_length_in_kms = 0 if is_lake else round(row[riv_length_field] / 1000, 5) # river_slope = max( # row["RivSlope"], RoutingProductShapefileExtractor.MAX_RIVER_SLOPE # ) # downstream_id downstream_id = int(row["DowSubId"]) if downstream_id == subbasin_id: downstream_id = -1 elif downstream_id not in subbasin_ids: downstream_id = -1 has_gauge_field = ( "IsObs" if self.routing_product_version == "1.0" else "Has_Gauge" ) gauged = row[has_gauge_field] > 0 or ( is_lake and BasinMakerExtractor.USE_LAKE_AS_GAUGE ) gauge_id = row["Obs_NM"] if gauged else "" return dict( subbasin_id=subbasin_id, name=f"sub_{subbasin_id}", downstream_id=downstream_id, profile=f"chn_{subbasin_id}", reach_length=river_length_in_kms, gauged=gauged, gauge_id=gauge_id, ) @staticmethod def _extract_reservoir(row) -> dict: lake_id = int(row["HyLakeId"]) return dict( subbasin_id=int(row["SubId"]), hru_id=int(row.get("HRU_ID", row["SubId"])), name=f"Lake_{lake_id}", weir_coefficient=BasinMakerExtractor.WEIR_COEFFICIENT, crest_width=row["BkfWidth"], max_depth=row["LakeDepth"], lake_area=row["LakeArea"], ) @staticmethod def _extract_channel_profile(row) -> dict: subbasin_id = int(row["SubId"]) slope = max(row["RivSlope"], BasinMakerExtractor.MAX_RIVER_SLOPE) # SWAT: top width of channel when filled with water; bankfull width W_bnkfull channel_width = max(row["BkfWidth"], 1) # SWAT: depth of water in channel when filled to top of bank channel_depth = max(row["BkfDepth"], 1) channel_elev = row["MeanElev"] floodn = row["FloodP_n"] channeln = row["Ch_n"] # channel profile calculations are based on theory SWAT model is based on # see: # --> "Channel Characteristics" p. 429 ff # inverse of channel side slope; channel sides assumed to have 2:1 run to rise ratio zch = 2 # river side width sidwd = zch * channel_depth # river bottom width W_btm botwd = channel_width - 2 * sidwd # if derived bottom width is negative, set bottom width to 0.5*bankfull width and recalculate zch if botwd < 0: botwd = 0.5 * channel_width sidwd = 0.5 * 0.5 * channel_width zch = (channel_width - botwd) / (2 * channel_depth) # inverse of floodplain side slope; flood plain side slopes assumed to have 4:1 run to rise ratio zfld = 4 + channel_elev # floodplain bottom width zbot = channel_elev - channel_depth # floodplain side width sidwdfp = 4 / 0.25 # geometry of the channel and floodplain # (see figure 7:1-2 in SWAT theory document) survey_points = ( (0, zfld), (sidwdfp, channel_elev), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width, channel_elev), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width + sidwd, zbot), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width + sidwd + botwd, zbot), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width + 2 * sidwd + botwd, channel_elev), (sidwdfp + 4 * channel_width + 2 * sidwd + botwd, channel_elev), (2 * sidwdfp + 4 * channel_width + 2 * sidwd + botwd, zfld), ) if BasinMakerExtractor.USE_MANNING_COEFF: mann = channeln else: mann = BasinMakerExtractor.MANNING_DEFAULT # roughness zones of channel and floodplain roughness_zones = ( (0, floodn), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width, mann), (sidwdfp + 2 * channel_width + 2 * sidwd + botwd, floodn), ) return dict( name=f"chn_{subbasin_id}", bed_slope=slope, survey_points=survey_points, roughness_zones=roughness_zones, ) def _extract_hru_from_sb(self, row) -> dict: """Here we assume one HRU per sub-basin.""" aspect = row["BasAspect"] if self.hru_aspect_convention == "GRASS": aspect -= 360 if aspect < 0: aspect += 360 elif self.hru_aspect_convention == "ArcGIS": aspect = 360 - aspect else: assert False return dict( hru_id=int(row["SubId"]), area=row["BasArea"] / 1e6, elevation=row["MeanElev"], latitude=row["centroid_y"], longitude=row["centroid_x"], subbasin_id=int(row["SubId"]), slope=row["BasSlope"], aspect=aspect, hru_type="lake" if row["Lake_Cat"] == 1 else "land", ) def _extract_hru(self, row) -> dict: aspect = row["HRU_A_mean"] if self.hru_aspect_convention == "GRASS": aspect -= 360 if aspect < 0: aspect += 360 elif self.hru_aspect_convention == "ArcGIS": aspect = 360 - aspect else: assert False return dict( hru_id=int(row["HRU_ID"]), area=row["HRU_Area"] / 1_000_000, elevation=row["HRU_E_mean"], latitude=row["HRU_CenY"], longitude=row["HRU_CenX"], subbasin_id=int(row["SubId"]), aquifer_profile="[NONE]", terrain_class="[NONE]", land_use_class=row["LAND_USE_C"], veg_class=row["VEG_C"], soil_profile=row["SOIL_PROF"], slope=row["HRU_S_mean"], aspect=aspect, )
[docs] class GridWeightExtractor: """Class to extract grid weights. Notes ----- The original version of this algorithm can be found at: """ DIM_NAMES = ("lon_dim", "lat_dim") VAR_NAMES = ("longitude", "latitude") ROUTING_ID_FIELD = "SubId" NETCDF_INPUT_FIELD = "NetCDF_col" AREA_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.05 CRS_LLDEG = 4326 # EPSG id of lat/lon (deg) coordinate reference system (CRS) CRS_CAEA = 3573 # EPSG id of equal-area coordinate reference system (CRS) def __init__( self, input_file_path, routing_file_path, dim_names=DIM_NAMES, var_names=VAR_NAMES, routing_id_field=ROUTING_ID_FIELD, netcdf_input_field=NETCDF_INPUT_FIELD, gauge_ids=None, sub_ids=None, area_error_threshold=AREA_ERROR_THRESHOLD, ): """ Parameters ---------- input_file_path : Path or str NetCDF file or shapefile with the data to be weighted. routing_file_path : Path or str Sub-basin delineation. """ self._dim_names = tuple(dim_names) self._var_names = tuple(var_names) self._routing_id_field = routing_id_field self._netcdf_input_field = netcdf_input_field self._gauge_ids = gauge_ids or [] self._sub_ids = sub_ids or [] self._area_error_threshold = area_error_threshold assert not ( self._gauge_ids and self._sub_ids ), "Only one of gauge_ids or sub_ids can be specified" input_file_path = Path(input_file_path) if input_file_path.suffix == ".nc": # Note that we cannot use xarray because it complains about variables and dimensions # having the same name. self._input_data = nc4.Dataset(input_file_path) self._input_is_netcdf = True elif input_file_path.suffix in [".zip", ".shp"]: self._input_data = open_shapefile(input_file_path) self._input_is_netcdf = False else: raise ValueError( "The input file must be a shapefile (.shp or .zip) or NetCDF" ) self._routing_data = open_shapefile(routing_file_path)
[docs] def extract(self) -> dict: """Return dictionary to create a GridWeights command.""" self._prepare_input_data() # Read routing data # WGS 84 / North Pole LAEA Canada self._routing_data = self._routing_data.to_crs( epsg=GridWeightExtractor.CRS_CAEA ) def keep_only_valid_downsubid_and_obs_nm(g): """ This function receives a group (g) of routing rows that have been grouped by HRU_ID. If there is only one row, there is nothing to do (we return it). If there are more than one rows, we want to return the one with the DowSubId != -1 (if there are more than one we emit a warning). We also want to search for an Obs_NM value different from -9999 in any row of the group, and if we find it we set it in the corresponding field of the returning row (if we can't find one we also emit a warning). """ if len(g) == 1: return g rid = self._routing_id_field row = g[g["DowSubId"] != -1].copy() if len(row) > 1: row = row[:1].copy() warnings.warn( f"More than one row with ID={row[rid]} having DowSubId = -1" ) obs_nm = g[g["Obs_NM"] != -9999] if not obs_nm.empty: row["Obs_NM"] = obs_nm["Obs_NM"].iloc[0] else: warnings.warn( f"All values of Obs_NM are -9999 for rows with ID={row[rid]}" ) return row # Remove duplicate HRU_IDs while making sure that we keed relevant DowSubId and Obs_NM values self._routing_data = self._routing_data.groupby( self._routing_id_field, group_keys=False ).apply(keep_only_valid_downsubid_and_obs_nm) # Make sure those are ints self._routing_data.SubId = self._routing_data.SubId.astype(int) self._routing_data.DowSubId = self._routing_data.DowSubId.astype(int) if self._gauge_ids: # Extract the SubIDs of the gauges that were specified at input self._sub_ids = ( self._routing_data.loc[self._routing_data.Obs_NM.isin(self._gauge_ids)] .SubId.unique() .tolist() ) if not self._sub_ids: raise ValueError( f"No shapes were found with gauge ID (Obs_NM) in {self._gauge_ids}" ) if self._sub_ids: # Here we want to extract the network of connected subbasins by going upstream via their DowSubId, # starting from the list supplied by the user (either directly, or via their gauge IDs).. We first # build a map of downSubID -> subID for efficient lookup downsubid_to_subids = defaultdict(set) for _, r in self._routing_data.iterrows(): downsubid_to_subids[r.DowSubId].add(r.SubId) expanded_sub_ids = set(self._sub_ids) prev = expanded_sub_ids.copy() while True: curr = set() for did in prev: curr |= downsubid_to_subids[did] if curr: expanded_sub_ids |= curr prev = curr else: break self._sub_ids = expanded_sub_ids # Reduce the initial dataset with the target Sub IDs if self._sub_ids: self._routing_data = self._routing_data[ self._routing_data.SubId.isin(self._sub_ids) ] # ------------------------------- # construct all grid cell polygons # ------------------------------- grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt = self._compute_grid_cell_polygons() # ------------------------------- # Derive overlay and calculate weights # ------------------------------- grid_weights = [] for _, row in self._routing_data.iterrows(): poly = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt.dumps(row.geometry)) area_basin = poly.Area() # bounding box around basin (for easy check of proximity) enve_basin = poly.GetEnvelope() area_all = 0.0 # ncells = 0 row_grid_weights = [] for ilat in range(self._nlat): for ilon in range(self._nlon): # bounding box around grid-cell (for easy check of proximity) enve_gridcell = grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ilat][ilon].GetEnvelope() grid_is_close = self._check_proximity_of_envelops( enve_gridcell, enve_basin ) # this check decreases runtime DRASTICALLY (from ~6h to ~1min) if not grid_is_close: continue # grid_cell_area = grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ilat][ilon].Area() # "fake" buffer to avoid invalid polygons and weirdos dumped by ArcGIS inter = grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ilat][ilon].Intersection( poly.Buffer(0.0) ) area_intersect = inter.Area() area_all += area_intersect if area_intersect > 0: hru_id = int(row[self._routing_id_field]) cell_id = ilat * self._nlon + ilon weight = area_intersect / area_basin row_grid_weights.append((hru_id, cell_id, weight)) # mismatch between area of subbasin (routing product) and sum of all contributions of grid cells (model output) error = (area_basin - area_all) / area_basin if abs(error) > self._area_error_threshold and area_basin > 500000.0: # record all basins with errors larger 5% (if basin is larger than 0.5 km2) # error_dict[int(ibasin[key_colname])] = [error, area_basin] grid_weights += row_grid_weights else: # adjust such that weights sum up to 1.0 for hru_id, cell_id, weight in row_grid_weights: corrected_weight = weight * 1.0 / (1.0 - error) grid_weights.append((hru_id, cell_id, corrected_weight)) # if error < 1.0: # area_all *= 1.0 / (1.0 - error) # error = 0.0 return dict( number_hrus=len(self._routing_data), number_grid_cells=self._nlon * self._nlat, data=tuple(grid_weights), )
def _prepare_input_data(self): if self._input_is_netcdf: # Raven numbering is: # # [ 1 2 3 ... 1*nlon # nlon+1 nlon+2 nlon+3 ... 2*nlon # ... ... ... ... ... # ... ... ... ... nlat*nlon ] # # --> Making sure shape of lat/lon fields is like that # # TODO: Replace with cf_xarray logic lon_var = self._input_data.variables[self._var_names[0]] lon_dims = lon_var.dimensions lon_var = lon_var[:] lat_var = self._input_data.variables[self._var_names[1]] lat_dims = lat_var.dimensions lat_var = lat_var[:] if len(lon_dims) == 2 and len(lat_dims) == 2: if lon_dims == self._dim_names: lon_var = np.transpose(lon_var) if lat_dims == self._dim_names: lat_var = np.transpose(lat_var) elif len(lon_dims) == 1 and len(lat_dims) == 1: # Coord vars are 1d, make them 2d lon_var_size = lon_var.size lon_var = np.tile(lon_var, (lat_var.size, 1)) lat_var = np.transpose(np.tile(lat_var, (lon_var_size, 1))) assert lon_var.shape == lat_var.shape else: raise ValueError( "The coord variables of the input data must have the same number of dimensions (either 1 or 2)" ) self._lath, self._lonh = self._create_gridcells_from_centers( lat_var, lon_var ) self._nlon = np.shape(lon_var)[1] self._nlat = np.shape(lat_var)[0] else: # input data is a shapefile self._input_data = self._input_data.to_crs( epsg=GridWeightExtractor.CRS_CAEA ) self._nlon = 1 # only for consistency # number of shapes in model "discretization" shapefile (not routing toolbox shapefile) self._nlat = self._input_data.geometry.count() # only for consistency def _compute_grid_cell_polygons(self): grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt: List[List[List[ogr.Geometry]]] = [ [[] for ilon in range(self._nlon)] for ilat in range(self._nlat) ] if self._input_is_netcdf: lath = self._lath lonh = self._lonh for ilat in range(self._nlat): for ilon in range(self._nlon): # ------------------------- # EPSG:3035 needs a swap before and after transform ... # ------------------------- # gridcell_edges = [ [lath[ilat,ilon] , lonh[ilat, ilon] ], # for some reason need to switch lat/lon that transform works # [lath[ilat+1,ilon] , lonh[ilat+1,ilon] ], # [lath[ilat+1,ilon+1], lonh[ilat+1,ilon+1] ], # [lath[ilat,ilon+1] , lonh[ilat, ilon+1] ]] # tmp = self._routing_data_to_geometry(gridcell_edges, epsg=crs_caea) # tmp.SwapXY() # switch lat/lon back # grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ilat][ilon] = tmp # ------------------------- # EPSG:3573 does not need a swap after transform ... and is much faster than transform with EPSG:3035 # ------------------------- # # Windows Python 3.8.5 GDAL 3.1.3 --> lat/lon (Ming) # MacOS 10.15.6 Python 3.8.5 GDAL 3.1.3 --> lat/lon (Julie) # Graham Python 3.8.2 GDAL 3.0.4 --> lat/lon (Julie) # Graham Python 3.6.3 GDAL 2.2.1 --> lon/lat (Julie) # Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Python 3.6.8 GDAL 2.2.3 --> lon/lat (Etienne) # if osgeo_version < "3.0": gridcell_edges = [ [ lonh[ilat, ilon], lath[ilat, ilon], ], # for some reason need to switch lat/lon that transform works [lonh[ilat + 1, ilon], lath[ilat + 1, ilon]], [lonh[ilat + 1, ilon + 1], lath[ilat + 1, ilon + 1]], [lonh[ilat, ilon + 1], lath[ilat, ilon + 1]], ] else: gridcell_edges = [ [ lath[ilat, ilon], lonh[ilat, ilon], ], # for some reason lat/lon order works [lath[ilat + 1, ilon], lonh[ilat + 1, ilon]], [lath[ilat + 1, ilon + 1], lonh[ilat + 1, ilon + 1]], [lath[ilat, ilon + 1], lonh[ilat, ilon + 1]], ] tmp = self._shape_to_geometry( gridcell_edges, epsg=GridWeightExtractor.CRS_CAEA ) grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ilat][ilon] = tmp else: for ishape in range(self._nlat): idx = np.where(self._input_data[self._netcdf_input_field] == ishape)[0] if len(idx) == 0: # print( # "Polygon ID = {} not found in '{}'. Numbering of shapefile attribute '{}' needs to be [0 ... {}-1].".format( # ishape, input_file, key_colname_model, nshapes # ) # ) raise ValueError("Polygon ID not found.") if len(idx) > 1: # print( # "Polygon ID = {} found multiple times in '{}' but needs to be unique. Numbering of shapefile attribute '{}' needs to be [0 ... {}-1].".format( # ishape, input_file, key_colname_model, nshapes # ) # ) raise ValueError("Polygon ID not unique.") idx = idx[0] poly = self._input_data.loc[idx].geometry grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt[ishape][0] = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt( wkt.dumps(poly) ).Buffer( 0.0 ) # We add an empty buffer here to fix problems with bad polygon topology (actually caused by ESRI's historical incompetence) return grid_cell_geom_gpd_wkt def _create_gridcells_from_centers(self, lat, lon): # create array of edges where (x,y) are always center cells nlon = np.shape(lon)[1] nlat = np.shape(lat)[0] lonh = np.empty((nlat + 1, nlon + 1), dtype=np.float64) lath = np.empty((nlat + 1, nlon + 1), dtype=np.float64) tmp1 = [ [(lat[ii + 1, jj + 1] - lat[ii, jj]) / 2 for jj in range(nlon - 1)] + [(lat[ii + 1, nlon - 1] - lat[ii, nlon - 2]) / 2] for ii in range(nlat - 1) ] tmp2 = [ [(lon[ii + 1, jj + 1] - lon[ii, jj]) / 2 for jj in range(nlon - 1)] + [(lon[ii + 1, nlon - 1] - lon[ii, nlon - 2]) / 2] for ii in range(nlat - 1) ] dlat = np.array(tmp1 + [tmp1[-1]]) dlon = np.array(tmp2 + [tmp2[-1]]) lonh[0:nlat, 0:nlon] = lon - dlon lath[0:nlat, 0:nlon] = lat - dlat # make lat and lon one column and row wider such that all lonh[nlat, 0:nlon] = lonh[nlat - 1, 0:nlon] + ( lonh[nlat - 1, 0:nlon] - lonh[nlat - 2, 0:nlon] ) lath[nlat, 0:nlon] = lath[nlat - 1, 0:nlon] + ( lath[nlat - 1, 0:nlon] - lath[nlat - 2, 0:nlon] ) lonh[0:nlat, nlon] = lonh[0:nlat, nlon - 1] + ( lonh[0:nlat, nlon - 1] - lonh[0:nlat, nlon - 2] ) lath[0:nlat, nlon] = lath[0:nlat, nlon - 1] + ( lath[0:nlat, nlon - 1] - lath[0:nlat, nlon - 2] ) lonh[nlat, nlon] = lonh[nlat - 1, nlon - 1] + ( lonh[nlat - 1, nlon - 1] - lonh[nlat - 2, nlon - 2] ) lath[nlat, nlon] = lath[nlat - 1, nlon - 1] + ( lath[nlat - 1, nlon - 1] - lath[nlat - 2, nlon - 2] ) return [lath, lonh] def _shape_to_geometry(self, shape_from_jsonfile, epsg=None): # converts shape read from shapefile to geometry # epsg :: integer EPSG code ring_shape = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for ii in shape_from_jsonfile: ring_shape.AddPoint_2D(ii[0], ii[1]) # close ring ring_shape.AddPoint_2D(shape_from_jsonfile[0][0], shape_from_jsonfile[0][1]) poly_shape = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly_shape.AddGeometry(ring_shape) if epsg: source = osr.SpatialReference() # usual lat/lon projection source.ImportFromEPSG(GridWeightExtractor.CRS_LLDEG) target = osr.SpatialReference() target.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) # any projection to convert to transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target) poly_shape.Transform(transform) return poly_shape @staticmethod def _check_proximity_of_envelops(gridcell_envelop, shape_envelop): # checks if two envelops are in proximity (intersect) # minX --> env[0] # maxX --> env[1] # minY --> env[2] # maxY --> env[3] return ( gridcell_envelop[0] <= shape_envelop[1] and gridcell_envelop[1] >= shape_envelop[0] and gridcell_envelop[2] <= shape_envelop[3] and gridcell_envelop[3] >= shape_envelop[2] ) @staticmethod def _check_gridcell_in_proximity_of_shape(gridcell_edges, shape_from_jsonfile): # checks if a grid cell falls into the bounding box of the shape # does not mean it intersects but it is a quick and cheap way to # determine cells that might intersect # gridcell_edges = [(lon1,lat1),(lon2,lat2),(lon3,lat3),(lon4,lat4)] # shape_from_jsonfile min_lat_cell = np.min([ii[1] for ii in gridcell_edges]) max_lat_cell = np.max([ii[1] for ii in gridcell_edges]) min_lon_cell = np.min([ii[0] for ii in gridcell_edges]) max_lon_cell = np.max([ii[0] for ii in gridcell_edges]) lat_shape = np.array( [icoord[1] for icoord in shape_from_jsonfile] ) # is it lat??? lon_shape = np.array( [icoord[0] for icoord in shape_from_jsonfile] ) # is it lon??? min_lat_shape = np.min(lat_shape) max_lat_shape = np.max(lat_shape) min_lon_shape = np.min(lon_shape) max_lon_shape = np.max(lon_shape) return ( min_lat_cell <= max_lat_shape and max_lat_cell >= min_lat_shape and min_lon_cell <= max_lon_shape and max_lon_cell >= min_lon_shape )
[docs] def upstream_from_id( fid: int, df: Union[pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame] ) -> Union[pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]: """Return upstream sub-basins by evaluating the downstream networks. Parameters ---------- fid : int feature ID of the downstream feature of interest. df : pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame A GeoDataframe comprising the watershed attributes. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame Basins ids including `fid` and its upstream contributors. """ from ravenpy.utilities.geo import determine_upstream_ids return determine_upstream_ids( fid, df, basin_field="SubId", downstream_field="DowSubId" )
[docs] def upstream_from_coords( lon: float, lat: float, df: Union[pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame] ) -> Union[pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]: """Return the sub-basins located upstream from outlet. Parameters ---------- lon : float Longitude of outlet. lat : float Latitude of outlet. df : pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame Routing product. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame Sub-basins located upstream from outlet. """ from ravenpy.utilities.geo import find_geometry_from_coord # Find the outlet sub-basin ID out_sb = find_geometry_from_coord(lon, lat, df) out_sb_id = int(out_sb["SubId"]) # Find upstream sub-basins up_ids = upstream_from_id(out_sb_id, df) return up_ids