Source code for ravenpy.utilities.geo

"""Tools for performing geospatial translations and transformations."""

import collections
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import geopandas
import pandas as pd

from . import gis_import_error_message

    import fiona
    import rasterio
    import rasterio.mask
    import rasterio.vrt
    import rasterio.warp
    from pyproj import CRS
    from shapely.geometry import (
    from shapely.ops import transform
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e:
    msg = gis_import_error_message.format(Path(__file__).stem)
    raise ImportError(msg) from e

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("RavenPy")
WGS84 = 4326

[docs] def geom_transform( geom: Union[GeometryCollection, shape], source_crs: Union[str, int, CRS] = WGS84, target_crs: Union[str, int, CRS] = None, ) -> GeometryCollection: """Change the projection of a geometry. Assuming a geometry's coordinates are in a `source_crs`, compute the new coordinates under the `target_crs`. Parameters ---------- geom : Union[GeometryCollection, shape] Source geometry. source_crs : Union[str, int, CRS] Projection identifier (proj4) for the source geometry, e.g. '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'. target_crs : Union[str, int, CRS] Projection identifier (proj4) for the target geometry. Returns ------- GeometryCollection Reprojected geometry. """ try: from functools import partial from pyproj import Transformer if isinstance(source_crs, int or str): source = CRS.from_epsg(source_crs) else: source = source_crs if isinstance(target_crs, int or str): target = CRS.from_epsg(target_crs) else: target = target_crs transform_func = Transformer.from_crs(source, target, always_xy=True) reprojected = transform(transform_func.transform, geom) return reprojected except Exception as err: msg = f"{err}: Failed to reproject geometry" LOGGER.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def generic_raster_clip( raster: Union[str, Path], output: Union[str, Path], geometry: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon, List[Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]]], touches: bool = False, fill_with_nodata: bool = True, padded: bool = True, raster_compression: str = RASTERIO_TIFF_COMPRESSION, ) -> None: """Crop a raster file to a given geometry. Parameters ---------- raster : Union[str, Path] Path to input raster. output : Union[str, Path] Path to output raster. geometry : Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon, List[Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]] Geometry defining the region to crop. touches : bool Whether to include cells that intersect the geometry or not. Default: True. fill_with_nodata: bool Whether to keep pixel values for regions outside of shape or set as nodata or not. Default: True. padded: bool Whether to add a half-pixel buffer to shape before masking or not. Default: True. raster_compression : str Level of data compression. Default: 'lzw'. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(geometry, geometry = [geometry] with, "r") as src: mask_image, mask_affine = rasterio.mask.mask( src, geometry, crop=True, pad=padded, all_touched=touches, filled=fill_with_nodata, ) mask_meta = src.meta.copy() mask_meta.update( { "driver": "GTiff", "height": mask_image.shape[1], "width": mask_image.shape[2], "transform": mask_affine, "compress": raster_compression, } ) # Write the new masked image with, "w", **mask_meta) as dst: dst.write(mask_image)
[docs] def generic_raster_warp( raster: Union[str, Path], output: Union[str, Path], target_crs: Union[str, dict, CRS], raster_compression: str = RASTERIO_TIFF_COMPRESSION, ) -> None: """Reproject a raster file. Parameters ---------- raster : Union[str, Path] Path to input raster. output : Union[str, Path] Path to output raster. target_crs : str or dict Target projection identifier. raster_compression: str Level of data compression. Default: 'lzw'. Returns ------- None """ with, "r") as src: # Reproject raster using WarpedVRT class with rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT(src, crs=target_crs) as vrt: # Calculate grid properties based on projection affine, width, height = rasterio.warp.calculate_default_transform(, target_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds ) # Copy relevant metadata from parent raster metadata = src.meta.copy() metadata.update( { "driver": "GTiff", "height": height, "width": width, "transform": affine, "crs": target_crs, "compress": raster_compression, } ) data = with, "w", **metadata) as dst: dst.write(data)
[docs] def generic_vector_reproject( vector: Union[str, Path], projected: Union[str, Path], source_crs: Union[str, CRS] = WGS84, target_crs: Union[str, CRS] = None, ) -> None: """Reproject all features and layers within a vector file and return a GeoJSON Parameters ---------- vector : Union[str, Path] Path to a file containing a valid vector layer. projected: Union[str, Path] Path to a file to be written. source_crs : Union[str,] CRS for the source geometry. Default: 4326. target_crs : Union[str,] CRS for the target geometry. Returns ------- None """ if target_crs is None: raise ValueError("No target CRS is defined.") if isinstance(target_crs, CRS): target_crs = target_crs.to_dict() if isinstance(vector, Path): vector = vector.as_posix() for i, layer_name in enumerate(fiona.listlayers(vector)): with, "r", layer=i) as src: with projected, "w", driver="GeoJSON", schema=src.schema, crs=target_crs ) as sink: for feature in src: # Perform vector reprojection using Shapely on each feature try: geom = shape(feature["geometry"]) transformed = geom_transform(geom, source_crs, target_crs) feature["geometry"] = fiona.Geometry().from_dict( mapping(transformed) ) sink.write(feature) except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception( f"{err}: Unable to reproject feature {feature}" ) raise
[docs] def determine_upstream_ids( fid: str, df: Union[pd.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame], basin_field: str = None, downstream_field: str = None, basin_family: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame]: """Return a list of upstream features by evaluating the downstream networks. Parameters ---------- fid : str feature ID of the downstream feature of interest. df : pd.DataFrame A Dataframe comprising the watershed attributes. basin_field : str The field used to determine the id of the basin according to hydro project. downstream_field : str The field identifying the downstream sub-basin for the hydro project. basin_family : str, optional Regional watershed code (For HydroBASINS dataset). Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Basins ids including `fid` and its upstream contributors. """ def upstream_ids(bdf, bid): return bdf[bdf[downstream_field] == bid][basin_field] # Note: Hydro Routing `SubId` is a float for some reason and Python float != GeoServer double. Cast them to int. if isinstance(fid, float): fid = int(fid) df[basin_field] = df[basin_field].astype(int) df[downstream_field] = df[downstream_field].astype(int) # Locate the downstream feature ds = df.set_index(basin_field).loc[fid] if basin_family is not None: # Do a first selection on the main basin ID of the downstream feature. sub = df[df[basin_family] == ds[basin_family]] else: sub = None # Find upstream basins up = [fid] for b in up: tmp = upstream_ids(sub if sub is not None else df, b) if len(tmp): up.extend(tmp) return ( sub[sub[basin_field].isin(up)] if sub is not None else df[df[basin_field].isin(up)] )
[docs] def find_geometry_from_coord( lon: float, lat: float, df: geopandas.GeoDataFrame ) -> geopandas.GeoDataFrame: """Return the geometry containing the given coordinates. lon : float Longitude. lat : float Latitude. df : GeoDataFrame Data. Returns ------- GeoDataFrame Record whose geometry contains the point. """ p = Point(lon, lat) c = df.contains(p) n = c.sum() if n == 0: raise ValueError(f"Point {p} not in any geometry.") elif n > 1: raise ValueError(f"Point {p} found in multiple geometries.") return df[c]